
George Orwell



Date Finished:

Oct 6, 2022





1984 is one of the most powerful books i've read. Much of the book is relevant today. Core ideas from the book:

War is peace. War is a means of keeping everybody obedient, distracted, and the destruction of resources that could go into the benefit of the society. Nobody knows if the wars are real or not.

Ignorance is strength. The past is controlled by the party. When the narrative of the party changes, every article and periodical is modified to fit it. Language is stripped down to its most basic form so that people can't form complex thoughts or opinions. People are the shelves of themselves and just exist in the world.

Freedom is slavery. Every move and every word is watched and controlled. You commit a thoughtcrime if you dare to think badly about the party or the country. Even if you talk badly in your sleep, you are punished.

2 + 2 = 5 if the party tells you that this is the right answer.

Previously this kind of state wasn't possible because there wasn't a way for complete surveillance of the population.

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