Poor Richard’s Almanack


Benjamin Franklin



Date Finished:

Feb 22, 2023





Poor Richard's Almanack by Benjamin Franklin was published in 1732, but it's more relevant today than ever. Through proverbs and aphorisms, Franklin touches on topics of wealth, health, marriage, work, and many more. We get a small glimpse into his values and worldviews.

Franklin is a proponent of frugality and living modestly. He writes "Weigh every small Expense, and nothing waste, Farthings long sav’d, amount to Pounds at last" and "If you know how to spend less than you get, you have the Philosophers-Stone". He advises to spend less, save more, and to live below your means. "He that can live sparingly need not be rich".

I loved his proverbs on being content with what you have. He writes "The poor have little, Beggars none; The rich too much, Enough not one" and "Who is rich? He that is content. Who is that? Nobody". Even when we have a lot, we want more. Being content is being rich.

Franklin was also a proponent of eating less. He writes "Three good meals a day is bad living" and "Eat few suppers and you’ll need few medicines". Eating less and skipping meals can lead to a healthier life.

But one proverb hit me especially hard "Most people return small favors, acknowledge middling ones, and repay great ones with ingratitude". This books is full of gems that are worth reading.

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