The Count of Monte Cristo


Alexander Dumas



Date Finished:

Aug 30, 2023





I finished the Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas after 91 days of reading it. The book was long at 1,276 pages but well worth the read.

The story was beautiful written by Dumas. In the beginning the story had a flow and it felt like I was watching a movie. But then everything started getting drawn out and reading the book felt like a chore. I read the first 400-500 pages in 2 weeks and took 2.5 months to read the other 800 pages.

I also felt that the story was too unrealistic. Everything was too connected to each other. Like the fact that Fernando and Danglars ended up in Paris and became rich. Or the fact that Villefort ended up being close friends with both of them. Or the fact that Caderousse came back to Paris to rob Monte Cristo and was friends with Benedetto. There were so many circumstances seemed too unlikely. While it's a great story of revenge, things could have folded out like this only in the book.

Overall, I'm glad I read the book. It was on my list for a long time and I'm glad I was able to tackle it.

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